The Museum of a Village at Langlingen

Short facts

  • Langlingen
  • Museum

Rural History Bought to Life

The Langlingen Museum of a Village, about 20 km southeast of Celle, is a local history museum.

A museum was established at Langlingen in 1989, near the 14th century St. John's Church, thanks to a private sponsorship initiative.  The museum is built on the site of the former Grethenhof farm buildings and a lot has happened since the original granary was built in 1722! The exhibits here show life in the house and the surrounding courtyard in days gone by and the original museum has now been expanded to include seven exhibition buildings.

An extensive collection of photographs and documents reveal how village life developed here over the centuries.   The concept of the museum is that it is a “living museum” where visitors are invited take a journey through history and time and see at close hand, the day-to-day of village life and work.

On the museum’s event days, history is bought close enough to be within your grasp! Experience a washing day from yesteryear or see how farmers churned butter in a barrel. Through careful re-enactment, actors will demonstrate how fabrics and textiles were made at the time, how grain was threshed with a flail and will also reveal long-forgotten secrets from the herb garden. Be there as a horse shoe is forged and find out - what did a wheelwright do?  It goes without saying that even the clothing is authentic.

Entry to the museum is free and made possible due to the support of our sponsor, the Förderkreis Dorfmuseum Langlingen. However, building and maintenance costs continue to rise and any donations would be extremely welcome and gratefully received.

On the map

Hauptstraße 44

29364 Langlingen


Phone: +49 5082 912085

Fax: +49 5082 912086

General information

April - October
13:00 - 17:00
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